5 SEO Tips
If you’re looking for some easy-to-implement tactics to improve your search results rankings and drive even more people to your site or blog, check out these 5 ideas.
So, you’ve followed Scott Design’s advice and built your site with SEO in mind, including keyword-rich, link-worthy, clear, well-named content using clean code and including web analytics. If so, the search engines should be ranking your site highly and bringing people to your site in droves.

If you’re looking for some easy-to-implement tactics to improve your search results rankings and drive even more people to your site or blog, Kristopher Jones from Electronic Retailer Magazine offers these 5 ideas:
- Add reviews to your website. Letting your customers review your products and services provides you with user-generated content, which search engines rank highly. Additionally, reviews give your customers a way to be active on your site. Don’t worry about negative reviews: the value of having the fresh content and interaction with your customers outweighs any risk.
- Acquire quality links. See if you can get a link from one or two authoritative sources in your industry that have a high Google PageRank. Find a site’s PageRank by installing the Google Toolbar or visiting pagerank.net.
- Maximize exposure with social sharing. A social sharing site such as StumbleUpon allows you and millions of users across the web to rate web pages, videos, photos, and news articles. You can also submit your own content to be rated by the users of StumbleUpon. If enough people rate your site highly, it appears on the list of recommended sites, bringing more traffic to your site.
- Micro-Blog with Twitter. Using a service such as Twitter, you can create short text messages of 140 characters or less that go out to both your friends and the public Twitter timeline. Share news, deals, and exciting offers with your clients daily. Include a link to your site or blog in your Tweets for more links, which search engines use to rank your site higher.
- Write search-engine-optimized blog posts. Use keyword research tools such as Yahoo search suggestion tool to find out what your customers search for. Select 5 to 10 keywords and include them throughout your post. And, when linking to your post from other posts or within your website, be sure to use keyword-rich anchor text.
For more information, you can read our post on SEO in the Hot Design blog.
For a quick read of the minimum SEO you should do, check out HubSpot’s Shortest Tutuorial Ever on SEO.