5 digital resolutions for 2016

Now is the perfect time to take a look at your digital strategies and make some resolutions to improve your organization’s marketing. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but should contain a few key elements:

digital marketing resolutions

  1. Get your website mobile-ready.
    A responsive, mobile-friendly website means your business is available online for anyone, any time, on any device. More people look at websites and check emails on their mobile devices than desktop computers, so having a responsive website that works everywhere should be your number one priority for 2016. Plus, your website gets a boost in mobile search engine results if it is optimized for mobile and desktop computers. Check if your site is mobile friendly with the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
  2. Update the content on your website.
    Right now, take a look at your website and make sure your positioning is correct and key information is up-to-date for 2016. Rewrite copy on key web pages to properly communicate who you are, what you do, and how your products and solutions are different. Make sure phone numbers, email addresses, product and service information, staff lists, and any other information on your site is correct and complete.
  3. Create a simple marketing plan.
    Schedule the times you want to contact your customers and prospects. Keep creating new content — case studies, industry insights, reports, white papers — that you can share with appropriate clients, prospects, and contacts. If you or your team members have insights about your industry, or you can share expertise about current trends or technologies, write blog posts on a regular basis. This will give site visitors (and search engines) a reason to return. Plan around your product releases, seasonal events that affect your customers, and make a plan to contact prospects at regular intervals using email and direct mail.
  4. Don’t get distracted.
    Before you start worrying about advanced marketing tactics, social media ads, videos, and paid referrals to drive prospects to your website, make sure your website looks good first. As I mentioned to a Realtor the other day, you wouldn’t schedule the open house until the home has been cleaned, staged, and prepped for visitors…so don’t start sending people to your website if it’s not sparkling clean.
  5. Call a creative pro.
    You and your team may be able to do most of the work in-house to update information on your site and create unique, remarkable content for site visitors and search engines. If you need help with the more complex tasks of updating your website to make it mobile-friendly and SEO-ready, creating an email template for sending out news, or creating a series of direct mail pieces to use this year, contact a professional. A good design team can help you create professional, on-target pieces that will start generating awareness…and sales. Feel free to contact us for ways to make good on your digital resolutions for 2016.

Here’s to a year of successful digital marketing!