Tag: copywriting

Channel copy, advertising copy, email subject lines, email copy, product matrices, messaging blocks, and editing

6 main sections your website needs

Your website should lead visitors to the information they want as quickly and easily as possible. This information should be organized into the main sections of your global website navigation. Most company websites have the same six main global navigation options: Home, Products or Services, About Us, Contact Us, Custom Information, and Dynamic Content.

Apostrophe abuse: the most basic rules are often the most neglected

With our hectic schedules, it’s easy to pour all of our energy into content, and to skip little niceties that distinguish our message from the dozens of others that bombard our readers on a daily basis. Type crimes aren’t only in your document, but all over the place, on signage, advertisements, and in restaurant menus.

Getting your emails opened

Email Secrets of the Stars, Part 2 of a three-part series. Emails that make it into your readers’ in boxes need to then survive the ruthless pruning that goes on once the email arrives. How do you get a reader to open the email instead of clicking on the “this is spam” button or tossing it into the trash? Here are just a few ideas:

Getting your emails delivered

Email Secrets of the Stars, Part 1 of a three-part series. The best way to make sure your emails get past spam filters is to make sure you don’t act like a spammer and your email doesn’t look like it was created by a spammer. Here’s a quick list of some things you can do to ensure that your email gets to your reader.