Tag: mobile-friendly design

For crying out loud, make a mobile-friendly website already!

We still hear people saying their customers don’t use mobile enough to need a mobile-friendly website. How long will it be until the message to think about your mobile visitors FIRST sinks in?

WordPress website for nonprofit

Scott Design redesigned, reorganized, and built a new custom WordPress website for Goodwill Central Coast that is visually appealing, easy-to-navigate, and is optimized for both computers and mobile devices.

Digital NEST website redesign

Digital NEST website redesign

A nonprofit dedicated to bringing technology and training to underserved youth wanted to redesign its website to better reach its audiences: students, community businesses, volunteers, and donors.

Mobile-friendly website for interior designer

A high-end interior designer needed to update her website for mobile optimization and to add new content. Thanks to responsive design, site content is now optimized for both computers and mobile devices.

Adobe campaign emails and landing pages

Adobe campaign emails and landing pages

Scott Design created a series of responsive emails and landing pages targeted at driving specific customer groups to view promotional materials.